This study evaluated the retentive force of the O-ring attachment to an Immediate Provisional Implant (IPI)-retained overdenture. Two sizes of O-rings (#1, #2) were placed on the IPI abutment head. As the controls, soft relining material, silicone lining material, and the PMMA resin were used to connect the IPI abutment head. The retentive forces (n=5, N) obtained at a crosshead speed of 40 mm/min were analyzed by ANOVA/TukeyÂ’s HSD test (==0.05). O-ring #1 showed the significantly greatest force among all materials tested (p0.05). Appropriate retention was obtained using the smaller O-ring#1 for the IPI-retained overdenture.
KEY WORDS: Transitional Implant, Immediate Provisional Implant (IPI), O-ring, Retentive force, Overdenture
Mariko Kobayashi, Chikahiro Ohkubo†, Yasunori Suzuki†, Takayuki Aoki†, Jun-ichi Sato†, Toshio Hosoi‡