Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is a surgical biologic additive that is prepared by manipulation of autologous blood. It has now evolved to become one of the most widely used platelet concentrate in dentistry. It has almost replaced Platelet rich plasma (PRP) for usage owing to its advantages such as being 100% autogenous, easy technique, time and cost
effectiveness, superior & prolonged growth factor release. It finds varied applications in dentistry including management of gingival recession, for guided bone regeneration in periodontal, peri-implant and endodontic bone defects. Since its inception in 2001 by Choukroun & co-workers, there has been in-depth research regarding its clinical applications, biologic actions, various technique modifications and optimizations. Several modifications of the conventional protocol like the advanced PRF, injectable PRF, PRF lysate and Titanium-prepared PRF. Hence, the aim of this article to review the biological properties of platelet rich fibrin and the advancement in the PRF technology since its inception.
Blood Platelets
Growth Factors
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Platelet Concentrates
Ricardo Almeida, Carlos Moura Guedes, Miguel Alexandre de Araujo Nobre, Paulo Maló