Purpose: To evaluate the clinical performance of lithium disilicate (LiDiSi) computer-aided-design/computer-assisted-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) veneers with feather-edge margins. Methods: Over 4 years (2015–2019), 1075 LiDiSi veneers with feather-edge margins were fabricated with a fully digital workflow and cemented on 105 patients. The outcome variables were survival of the restorations, colour matching, quality of the ceramic surface, presence of marginal discolouration and marginal integrity. The last four variables were assessed using the modified California Dental Association (CDA) and Ryge criteria. Results: The mean observation period was 30.8 months. The cumulative survival rate was 99.83%. At the last follow-up control, the colour matching of the surviving 1074 restorations was rated Alpha (1064 veneers, 99.06%) and Bravo (10 veneers, 0.94%); the ceramic surface was rated Alpha (1070 veneers, 99.62%) and Bravo (4 veneers, 0.38%); the marginal discolouration was rated Alpha (1069 veneers, 99.53%) and Bravo (5 veneers, 0.47%); and the marginal integrity was rated Alpha (1070 veneers, 99.62%) and Bravo (4 veneers, 0.38%). Conclusion: CAD/CAM LiDiSi veneers with feather-edge margins fabricated with a fully digital workflow showed good clinical performance in terms of survival, colour matching, ceramic surface, marginal discolouration and integrity. Further, prospective and long-term studies are needed to confirm these positive results.
Lithium Disilicate (LiDiSi)
Computer-Aided-Design/ComputerAssisted-Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
Feather-Edge Margins
Francesco Mangano, Henriette Lerner, Mario Imburgia